Join the conversation: food growing in the city

People's Land Policy are hosting an event on Tuesday 9 March to discuss opportunities for urban and peri-urban farming. Sign up to hear from some great speakers from the Good to Grow network.

Rainbow Grow

Rainbow Grow

Register for the third seminar in the Land and Food: Social Justice and Ecological Responsibility Series hosted by People's Land Policy.

The event will looking into the benefits, opportunities, and challenges of growing food in urban and peri-urban spaces. Themes that will be explored include;

  • Initiatives and policies
  • Benefits to people and the environment (i.e. food security, land justice, improved producer and consumer relationship)
  • Actions needed in the facilitation of more food growing and producing in these particular growing spaces

The event is free to register to and will provide you the opportunity to hear from some brilliant speakers from our Good to Grow network, including;

Fiona McAllister, Capital Growth, and Rob Logan, Fringe Farming

Arlene McKenzie, Rootz into Food Growing 

Glasgow Community Food Growing Network

Manchester Urban Diggers (MUD)




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Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

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Capital Growth

Capital Growth is London's Food Growing Network, with over 2000 members. Whether you are growing at home, as part of an allotment, in a community group or school you can join for free to receive benefits such as discounts, advice and monthly enewsletters.

Capital Growth
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
E2 9DA

0203 5596 777

Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

© Sustain 2025

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