London Digital Harvest Festival

Social Farms and Gardens ran a packed London Digital Harvest Festival on 19 September opening up the buzzing life of London’s city farms and gardens online. 

19 Sep 2020 10:0000:00

Social Farms and Gardens

Social Farms and Gardens

The London Harvest Festival was 22 years old in September!

To celebrate, Social farms and Gardens invited the world to participate in the buzzing life of London’s city farm and garden community by going online.

Check out all the activities that took place here

From animal shows to competitive fruit-and-veg displays, craft-a-longs, cook-a-longs, miniature garden-making, photography to an online fireside evening celebration!

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Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

Capital Growth

Capital Growth is London's Food Growing Network, with over 2000 members. Whether you are growing at home, as part of an allotment, in a community group or school you can join for free to receive benefits such as discounts, advice and monthly enewsletters.

Capital Growth
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
E2 9DA

0203 5596 777

Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

© Sustain 2025

Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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